Covid-19 Vaccine Patient Information:
To book an appointment with Hamilton Public Health, use the online booking tool
https://www.hamilton.ca/VaccineBooking or call the COVID-19 Hotline at 905-974-9848, option 7.
General Covid-19 Patient Information:
- For COVID-19 testing information, please click the following link. Hamilton COVID-19 Testing.
- Patient Public Health Line for COVID-19 inquiries: 905-974-9848.
Covid-19 Patient Information:
Our office:
- We are offering several options to meet your needs and keep you safe. We will support your needs through advice, medicine refills, and appointments.
- Your doctors are trying to prevent the spread of this virus - particularly to vulnerable and high-risk patients. We thank you for your co-operation in helping to keep everyone safe.
Office Visits:
- Face masks are required if you have a cough or cold symptoms.
Alternatives to Office Visits:
- We are offering phone visits and video visits.
Prescription Renewal Requests:
- If you need a prescription renewal, contact your pharmacy and have them fax to our office. You do not need to call our office to ask for one.
Face Mask Exemptions:
- Children under the age of 2
- Anyone who has trouble breathing
- Anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance
More information about face mask exemptions can be found here.